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How much are annual membership dues ?
Family Membership $25.00
Individual Membership $20.00
Business Membership $45.00
Mailed Newsletter $5.00

Payments made via PayPal are charged a $1 convenience fee per item.
When does the annual membership year begin?
Membership is April 1st to March 31st of the following year.
When/Where are the member meetings?
Membership Meetings:  The 2nd Monday of the month (excluding December)
Location:  Elmer's Restaurant, 290 W Appleway Ave, Coeur d'Alene, ID

When are Rides?
Rides:  We strive to plan multiple rides each month, weather permitting, comprised of both Family Rides and Sports Rides.  Typically these occur on Saturdays and Sundays.  We also schedule several campouts with rides throughout the summer months.  Check out our Event Calendar for upcoming Rides and Events.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Rides (the next 60 days)

When is Trail Maintenance?
Trail Maintenance Day Rides are scheduled throughout the spring and summer.  Check the Event Calendar for upcoming dates.

Upcoming Events
Trail Maintenance (The next 60 days)